SARATHI Development Foundation is a professionally managed development organization registered under Societies Registration Act and engaged in development services both at micro and macro level since 1998. Over a span of 20 years, it has evolved its role as technical resource support and grassroots facilitation organization while working with communities and a range of donor agencies including UNICEF, International Labour Organization, World Bank, Government, International NGOs and other civil society Organization in northern region of India. Our existence and role are rooted in grassroots realities and opportunities to work for overall development of people in rural and urban areas.
Our Team
Sarathi’s success in carrying out different programs simultaneously in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh is largely due to its large and well trained teams developed over a period of time. Programs and finance team works under leadership of the Director. Programme team consists of programme heads and managers (12), accounts team (2) thematic coordinators (6)MIS coordinators(4), training and program associates (3) block & assistant project coordinators (18), field coordinators and counselors (240).Sarathi has also developed resource pool of 90 trainers, researchers and consultants to provide support in capacity building, research and field support on project basis.